Outcome Measures
Economic well-being
Children in poverty(2000-2019)
Percent children in poverty(2000-2019)
Food insecurity for children(2010-2018)
Food insecurity for children, rate(2010-2018)
Births to mothers without high school diploma(1990-2014)
Percent births to mothers without high school diploma(1990-2014)
Low birthweight infants(1988-2019 (5-year moving averages))
Percent low birthweight infants(1988-2019 (5-year moving averages))
Preventable hospitalizations for children, per 1,000(2010-2018)
Child asthma ER visits, per 1,000(2010-2018)
Family & community
Births to teens, ages 15-19(1990-2019)
Births to teens, ages 15-19, per 1,000(1990-2019)
Substantiated child abuse/neglect(1995-2019)
Substantiated child abuse/neglect, per 1,000(1995-2019)
High-school graduations(2011-2019)
High-school graduation rate(2011-2019)
3rd-grade English/language arts (MAP) proficiency(2011, 2012, 2015-2019)
Percent children with 3rd-grade English/language arts (MAP) proficiency(2011, 2012, 2015-2019)
8th-grade English/language arts (MAP) proficiency(2011, 2012, 2015-2019)
Percent children with 8th-grade English/language arts (MAP) proficiency(2011, 2012, 2015-2019)
4th-grade math (MAP) proficiency(2011, 2012, 2015-2019)
Percent children with 4th-grade math (MAP) proficiency(2011, 2012, 2015-2019)
Algebra I proficiency(2011, 2012, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019)
Percent children with Algebra I proficiency(2011, 2012, 2015-2019)
Contextual Indicators
Economic well-being
Children under 6 in poverty(1990, 2000, 2007-2019)
Percent children under 6 in poverty(1990, 2000, 2007-2019)
Children in poverty, ages 5-17(2008-2019)
Percent children in poverty, ages 5-17(2008-2019)
Children in families receiving child care assistance(1990, 1992, 1994-2015)
Percent of cost-burdened households(2006-2019 (5-year sets))
Family households with children at 185% of poverty level(2006-2019 (5-year sets))
Children in families receiving SNAP (food stamps)(1990, 1992-2019)
Percent children in families receiving SNAP (food stamps)(1990, 1992-2019)
Median income of family households with children under 18(2006-2019 (5-year sets))
Adult unemployment(1990-2019)
Child homelessness(2010-2019)
Child homelessness, percent(2010-2019)
Students enrolled in free/reduced lunch(1996-2014)
Percent students enrolled in free/reduced lunch(1996-2014)
Children in families receiving cash assistance(1997-2014)
Percent children in families receiving cash assistance(1997-2014)
Average annual wage & salary(1990-2011, 2013-2014)
Infant mortality(1988-2019 (5-year moving averages))
Infant mortality rate(1988-2019 (5-year moving averages))
Child deaths, ages 1-17(2006-2019 (5-year moving averages))
Child deaths, ages 1-17, per 100,000(2006-2019 (5-year moving averages))
Child deaths, ages 1-14(1988-2019 (5-year moving averages))
Child deaths, ages 1-14, per 100,000(1988-2019 (5-year moving averages))
Child deaths, ages 15-17(2006-2019 (5-year moving averages))
Child deaths, ages 15-17, per 100,000(2006-2019 (5-year moving averages))
Unrestrained automobile fatalities for children under 18(2006-2019 (5-year sets))
Substance abuse hospitalizations, ages 1-19, per 100,000(2005-2018 (5-year moving averages))
Mental/behavioral hospitalizations (not substance abuse), ages 1-19, per 10,000(2005-2018 (5-year moving averages))
Percent uninsured children(2010-2019)
School attendance rate, grades 9-12(2011-2019)
Children eligible for MO HealthNet for Kids(1992, 1994-2014)
Percent children eligible for MO HealthNet for Kids(1992, 1994-2014)
Children receiving public mental health services(1994, 1997-2005, 2007-2014)
Licensed child care capacity(1990, 1993, 1995, 1997-2020)
Licensed child care capacity, per 1,000(1990, 1993, 1995, 1997-2020)
Accredited child care capacity as percentage of licensed capacity(2016-2020)
School attendance rate, K-12(2011-2019)
English language learners(1999-2002, 2004-2014)
Accredited child care facilities(1999-2014, 2018-2020)
Total population(2001-2019)
Child population(1990-2019)
Children as percent of total population(1990-2019)
Child population under 6(2001-2019)
Children under 6 as percent of total population(2001-2019)
Minority child population under 18(1990-2019)
Percent minority children under 18(1990-2019)
Minority child population under 6(2001-2019)
Percent minority children under 6(2001-2019)
Children in single-parent families(2006-2019 (5-year sets))
Percent children in single-parent families(2006-2019 (5-year sets))
Children in married-parent families(2006-2019 (5-year sets))
Percent children in married-parent families(2006-2019 (5-year sets))
Family & community
Teen unintentional deaths/homicides/suicides, ages 15-19(1988-2019 (5-year moving averages))
Teen unintentional deaths/homicides/suicides, ages 15-19, per 100,000(1988-2019 (5-year moving averages))
Single parent head-of-household with children under 18(2006-2019 (5-year sets))
Juvenile law violation referrals, ages 10-17(1990-2019)
Juvenile law violation referrals, ages 10-17, per 1,000(1990-2019)
Annual high school dropouts(1991-2019)
Annual high school dropout rate(1991-2019)
Children entering/reentering state custody(1988-2019)
Children entering/reentering state custody, per 1,000(1990-2019)
Percent children living in high-poverty areas(2006-2010, 2007-2011, 2011-2015, 2012-2016 (5-year sets)